
The Sickly

I have spent the last week and a half forming a severe cough drop habit.  After 7 bags down, I took a moment to read the nutritional value and realized that despite the fact it was completely and utterly necessary to gorge myself on cough drops to ward of the most horrible hacking cough that came on without explanation - it has probably been an unhealthy level of consumption and a higher than normal caloric intake considering each one is 5 calories (and I've had a gazillion).  Last Monday I went to the doctor and was told I had bronchitis.  I sound like I've smoked 24 packs of cigerettes a day since I was 4 years old, and I feel about the same. I'm recovering but I still don't feel like myself - or spending much time in front of the computer.  ::sad face::

I just wanna be doing this..

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