I recently completed the Shades of Grey trilogy.
I was slightly underwhelmed at completion. With all the hype I was expecting this book to rock my world. I was expecting that I, being the avid and obsessed reader that I am, would immediately want to re-read it the moment I was finished. But, that did not happen. I was almost glad to finally have it finished.
I did not jump on the Grey train anticipating a deep and though provoking work of literature - I'm not crazy. I knew going into the trilogy that they were basically glorified Harlequin Romance novels, although ... I don't recall the words "throbbing" or "member", which I suppose would make it stand apart from those particular works. It was, however, saturated with ... well, frankly... sex.
I read the first pages with a small level of disappointment - and then as the story continued I got sucked in. Much like many other women in America who are currently obsessed with these books, I read for hours before putting it down. By the end of the first and on into the second book, I had already made the determination that the second book was much better than the first. Halfway through the second book, though, I lost my momentum... and I thought the story did too.
I grew tired of so. many. friggin. love scenes. And, if she talked about how breathtakingly beautiful he was one more time I was going to hurl up my breakfast. I thought that after a while - the plot line grew thin and it was just a jumble of I love yous, hastily thrown together turmoils, with a whole bunch of sex tossed in to cover up the fact that the author just couldn't weave a worthwhile story.
I would still say, if you want a book to pass the time - maybe on the beach this summer - then this trilogy would be a good time filler. And, for a moment, it would definitely give you some brain candy...food for thought, if you will. I'm not going to lie - I envisioned Ryan Gosling as the brooding, hotblooded, heavy handed Christian Grey throughout the entire trilogy. (Um, Crazy Stupid Love and that six pack, yum!)
Just do not go into these books expecting anything more than erotic fiction.. because simply put, that is what they are and nothing more.
For any of you ladies that have yet to read the book, I give you this:
MMMMM HMMMM.... You're welcome. ;)
Oh Ryan, you spoil me...